

作者:国际循环网   日期:2010/10/12 15:09:59


<International Circulation> : Ok professor Chalmers, can you give us your views on how we can best conduct treatment. In general some of the key or most important things that we can do, or clinicians can do to reduce the burden of vascular disease in diabetic patients. Because that’s something, especially in China with the growing instants of diabetes, a lot of clinicians are interested in this area, so what are your comments?

     <International Circulation> : Can you give us your views on how can best conduct treatment to reduce the burden of vascular disease in diabetes? Diabetes is a growing problem in China so many clinicians are very interested in this topic.


    Professor Chalmers : The most important thing is that diabetes is a disorder with multiple risk factors. It is very common to have not just diabetes but many other risk factors such as obesity, lipid disorders, and elevated blood pressure. Therefore, I think the most important thing is to address this as a multifactorial treatment problem because there is high absolute risk with multiple risk factors. Of those risks and of the treatments available probably the single most important one to reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, which is the largest single risk factor for death and disorders in diabetic patients, is blood pressure lowering. Thus, I think that is the most important thing. Obviously, glucose lowering is terribly important and is probably as fundamental but not so much for cardiovascular risk reduction as it is for metabolic control and it is absolutely essential to achieve good metabolic control. I believe it also has some benefit in cardiovascular protection but not as dramatic or important as blood pressure. The third and also very important factor is lipids. Reducing cholesterol and addressing lipids is very important. It is also important to think of aspirin. Here the evidence is very strong for people with established vascular disease and diabetes but not nearly as compelling for people with diabetes who do not yet have established vascular disease. I would say that blood pressure lowering remains the single most important thing for cardiovascular protection, along with cholesterol control, lipid lowering, aspirin, and glucose control as well. I am not denigrating glucose control because for metabolic and microvascular protection it is still very important.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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