
[TCT2012]肾脏去神经术的最新进展——Michael Bohm教授专访

作者:国际循环网   日期:2012/10/26 17:15:41



  International Circulation: Do you think we’re ever going to start seeing some harmful side effects from the procedure such as stenosis? Are there adaptive features that we do need?
  Prof. Bohm: There are also studies addressing these. There is no evidence that we develop chronotropic incompetence or reduce exercise tolerance because the sympathetic nervous system is reduced. This has been vigorously studied in a paper and came out in JACC there is no sign of orthostatic dysreguatlion, which was another concern and which was a big problem in these operations done in the 50s. This is not the case. There is no worsening of renal function, in fact, there is improvement in renal function due to unloading of the kidney. Renal artery stenosis can occur: we have seen 2 patients out of 450. However, this renal artery stenosis occurred nine-months after the procedure. The question is whether this happened by chance or is a natural response of atherosclerotic disease of the kidneys to develop stenosis. There is so far no evidence that stenosis is significantly and causally related to procedure.

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版面编辑:赵书芳  责任编辑:张乐


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