
[ESC2010]Fausto Pinto教授畅谈ESC热点及冠心病治疗现状

作者:  FaustoPinto   日期:2010/9/7 11:52:00



    <International Circulation>:Could please highlight what you think were the main highlights of this year’s ESC congress?

    Professor Fausto Pinto:We have had a large number of trials which have been submitted at this year’s congress and we are very happy to be the platform for their communication. I would like to select a few of these, in particular the SHIFT Study which explored the new potential benefits of ivabradine which reduces heart rate.  This specific trial was done in a large number of patients over 6500 with heart failure and it demonstrated a reduction in cardiac death from heart failure as well as a reduction of hospitalized sessions attributed to heart failure. The results of the study have to be digested now after its presentation and it certainly represents a new added value in the treatment of heart failure which is something we have been waiting for quite some time.  I would also like to highlight some other trials based on their use of new anti-coagulant and anti platelet agents either in the setting of acute coronary syndrome or PCI including the AVERROES Trial. This was a trial which compared apixaban in patients with atrial fibrillation and it showed patients who were administrated with this drug compared with the group on aspirin showed decreased rates of strokes with the same degree of haemorrhage.  The study showed that this could be another drug which may be used by cardiologists to treat patients with atrial fibrillation particularly those who are not tolerant to antagonists of vitamin K such as warfarin which as we know has numerous problems.  These are just two of the many trials which were presented at ESC 2010 that I would like to highlight in terms of their relevance to clinical application.  


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡

ESC热点冠心病治疗现状Fausto Pinto

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