

作者:国际循环网   日期:2010/3/12 13:45:49



    A lot of cardiovascular events tend to  happen more frequently in the early morning between 4 am and 10 am. This is   related to the defensive mechanisms of the body to prepare for the difficulties of daily life hence producing more catecholamines which raise the blood pressure, increasing blood flow to the brain and the heart to get it ready; but at the same time they can cause arrhythmias, increase in blood pressure and can cause plaque ruptures. During sleep, we know from our ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, that pressure is low and most of the patients have lower pressure while asleep than when awake. These are the so-called “dippers”. These patients have less risk of cardiovascular events. Those that do not drop their pressure during sleep are at higher risk. At the same time, those who have an excessive increase in blood pressure in the early hours, after four or five o浙lock, are at increased risk of developing cardiovascular events.



版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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