
[TCT2009]Gary M. Ansel教授谈无症状颈动脉狭窄患者的治疗

作者:国际循环网   日期:2009/9/25 11:42:00


International Circulation: What is the medical therapy for severe carotid stentosis to reduce large vessel embolic stroke? 国际循环:怎样通过药物治疗来减少严重颈动脉狭窄引起的大血管栓塞性中风?

International Circulation:  And here at TCT 2009 what has excited you?

Prof. Gary M. Ansel:  At TCT 2009 what I think we are really starting to see is that there is an interesting debate between health economics and treatment of our patients.  It is really becoming a glaring conflict that will, as with most conflicts, lead to better answers.  I am really looking forward to how this debate will turn out.
Prof. Gary M. Ansel:  2009年TCT我们开始关注一个关于患者卫生经济学和治疗的有趣辩论。一场激烈的争论可能会得出更好的答案。我非常期待这次辩论的进行。


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