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 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2008/9/12 9:38:00    加入收藏
 关键字:Windecker 氯吡格雷 药物洗脱支架 非侵入性检查 心源性休克 

International Circulation: Although most of clinical trials demonstrated drug-eluting stents (DES) is safe for CAD patients, we still focus on the safety of DES. What is your opinion about the safety of DES?


Windecker:I think all the safety debates were initiated during the ESC meeting about two years ago in 2006, and I think there has been an interesting evolution in 2006 and 2007 that was really the concern that immediately weight of death or myocardial infarction will be increased with DES as exposed to bare metal stents. And I think that has changed with data accumulating that first of all in leading indications that there were small evidence of any difference in death and myocardial infarction. And those findings will then also extend to off-label studies large-scale registries. Actually the prevailing finding was that maybe mortality is even somewhat decreased than those patients treated with drug-eluting stents as compared to bare metal stents. So, I think in 2008, people are quite comfortable of that as related to the end-point of death and myocardial infarction that there’s no increased incidence with drug-eluting stents but what we have recognized is that at least the first generation of drug-eluting stents, ten percent higher incidence of what we called very late stent thrombosis and that is a disaster event if the event-associated mortality and morbidity is very high. Yet on the other hand, it is a low-frequency event and therefore probably the balance of benefit on the one side and this harm on the other side comes out in a way that it does not translate in wound or harm with respect to death or myocardial infarction. But obviously here that’s working on improvements, I would not think that we can comment on improvements regarding the long-term safety of new-generation drug-eluting stents, and I think that’s a consistent finding that new stent designs with lower strut thickness. At least it’s associated with lower incidence of periprocedure myocardial infarction. And that should be an advance itself.

The new designs as related to the stent platform that use lower strut thickness as compared to the first-generation eluting stents, are already out, for example endeavor . And therefore they both received FDA approval. As I mentioned I think that they are pretty consistent that they are associated with lower incidence of peri-procedure infarction. But in the data, the preliminary data we found that long-term follow up is also encouraging. Also I think it’s prevalent to make a statement on that. In a new-generation drug-eluting stents using biodegradable polymers there are more efforts in removing the polymer entirely and there are also efforts on completely biodegradable stents. Some of them are already available and some of them will become available very shortly and the other ones completely biodegradable will still need some years on work. 



International Circulation: Could you please to talk about percutaneous left ventricular assist devices for treatment of patients with cardiogenic shock?


Windecker:The cardiogenic shock is still a very malignant disease characterized by a high incidence of mortality. And the treatment of the patients with acute myocardial infarction complicated with cardiac shock is revascularization percutaneously or with coronary artery bypass surgery. However, despite these efforts in opening up the arteries, we are quite often confronted with hemodynamic compromise. That is, we opened up the arteries but still the patients are not doing well. The advent of percutaneous left ventricular assisting devices is welcome because during the critical period when the patients are in hemodynamic compromise. Left ventricular assisting devices can provide circulatory support to assist the intrinsic left ventricular function and can completely replace the intrinsic left ventricular function. There are various left ventricular assisting devices available, but it is very extreme that they can completely replace the intrinsic left ventricular function. Therefore these devices are useful for stabilizing the patients during the procedures. The hope is that during this period the patients have time to recover from procedure to gain enough residual left ventricular function in order to survive. However, unfortunately that is not in all patients in the case, and more aggressive therapies will come into play and more has to think about switching to continuous left ventricular assist device or at the very end of transplantation. Nevertheless I think it is a very useful method in extending therapy options to patients, one that may make survive something what they would not be able to survive and then also offer them extended therapy in case they do not have enough residual left ventricular function.


International Circulation: Acute coronary syndromes are associated with high morbidity and mortality. Early diagnosis and risk stratification are essential for initiation of optimal medical and invasive management. Could you talk about the major advance in diagnosis and treatment of ACS?



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