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 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2009/9/10 18:25:00    加入收藏
 关键字:ESC2009亮点 Ferrari 胡大一 倍博特 阿利吉仑 

International Circulation:  I am here at ESC 2009 with Professor Ferrari president of the ESC and Professor Hu Da Yi, president of the Chinese Society of Cardiology.  As president of the ESC 2009 could you discuss a little bit about what perhaps are some of the important highlights here at ESC 2009 or did you have any special programs here at ESC 2009?

国际循环:我正在ESC 2009会场,身边就是ESC主席Ferrari教授和中国心血管学会主席胡大一教授。作为ESC 2009的主席,请您谈谈ESC 2009的会议主题将是什么,或您在ESC 2009上有何特殊计划?

Professor Ferrari:  Well the theme of this Barcelona meeting was prevention, from cell to man to society.  So we did discuss quite extensively the issue of prevention because the ESC thinks that prevention will be the future.  We realize that we as cardiologists are very good at treating cardiovascular disease but we will not modify cardiovascular modalities if we are not really getting into prevention because drugs and intervention can not count only to 33 to 55% of the reduction of cardiovascular mortalities during the last years.  If we want to really tackle cardiovascular disease we need to do prevention and in particular primary prevention but that is a difficult issue because primary prevention does not stay only in the hand of cardiologists but we need politicians, we need the regulators, we need the government, and we need the cities involved.  Quite interestingly at this congress we had several examples of cities who are really putting all their forces together in order to promote prevention of cardiovascular disease.  Also as every year we do have very important hotlines when new results are provided and this year the hotline and the studies which impress me more were the RELY study because it is now available and drugs which to avoid to take and sampling to adjust the therapy so that was a fantastic innovation.  In addition we expect the coumadin, this drug is much more efficacious in preventing thrombosis in patients with atrial fibrillation and it has significantly less side effects.  We also found alternatives and that also is quite important because now there are compounds which are able to further reduce the cardiovascular mortality after interventions such as angioplasty and also in the area of heart failure, if we treat this now it is now clear that instead of inserting the CRTs only to the patient it is better to insert the CRTs with an ICD because of the important effect on sudden death.



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