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作者:K.Narkiewicz 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/6/25 16:45:08    加入收藏
 关键字:Narkiewicz 难治性高血压 肥胖 ARB ACEi 

    <International Circulation>:Resistant hypertension is a problem that many clinicians might face. Although we have a lot of newer, potent agents, resistant hypertension is still seen in practice. Apart from drug therapy, are there any novel new therapies for resistant hypertension and if so, when will they be readily available?


    Prof. Narkiewicz: The most promising one is the renal ablation of the sympathetic nerves. The first randomized study suggested this method might be really very effective in people with resistant hypertension. There are several other ongoing studies with this technique and indeed one day we will use this method for a larger proportion of our patients with resistant hypertension. We should not forget that in many cases of so-called resistant hypertension, it is actually just non-compliance and not a true resistant hypertension. We can still combine some of the drugs and in the vast majority of patients with difficult hypertension we are able to reduce blood pressure and maintain blood pressure control. The new developments are quite exciting.


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