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[ASH2012]合并冠状动脉疾病的高血压的治疗——美国纽约James J. Peters VA医学中心Clive Rosendorff教授专访

作者:C.Rosendorff 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2012/5/28 15:55:46    加入收藏
 关键字:高血压 冠心病 C.Rosendorff ishare 

   <International Circulation>:What is your advice to the clinician in paying attention to the treatment of hypertension for those with coronary disease?
  Dr Rosendorff: I would say simply that we know that outcomes are better if the blood pressure is normal than if the blood pressure is elevated in patients with coronary artery disease. There have been many studies to show that. It is very important that high blood pressure be aggressively treated as well as all of the other risk factors for the progression of coronary artery disease including blood lipids, diabetes, cessation of smoking, weight loss and a graded and careful exercise program. All of these things are as important as blood pressure lowering and it is a package of risk factor lowering strategies that is critical.


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