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[ESC2013]单片复方制剂有助于不同高血压人群联合治疗的管理——Luis Miguel Ruilope教授专访

作者:L.M.Ruilope 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2013/9/16 16:03:17    加入收藏
 关键字:高血压 单片复方制剂 联合治疗 

  <International Circulation>: Is there much a difference between patients with diabetes type I versus those with type II in terms of cardiovascular risk with regards to combination therapy?

  Prof. Ruilope: Type I have, no doubt, cardiovascular risk with time. It takes longer, probably, to appear. Blood pressure is not that high in this group, because they are younger when diabetes appears. Many of them are normal-tensive. When diabetes II appears, on the other hand, many of these patients are already hypertensive. Cardiovascular disease appears with a high prevalence, and cardiovascular death is probably the most important cause of death, together with diabetic neuropathy, together with diabetes I and II patients, which are particularly prevalent.



  <International Circulation>: Poor medication compliance of hypertensive patients leads to their blood pressure problems; however, SPC is well complied and tolerated. How do you evaluate SPC on the treatments for hypertension?

  Prof. Ruilope: Evaluation of compliance is really difficult. In daily medical practice, the best way to evaluate this is the number of pill containers that you have supplied to the patient. The prescription must have a periodicity, and you know that a patient, if you prescribe a medication with 30 pills, and they are to be taken daily, then 30 days later the patient must come back. If he shows up 15 days later, than you know he is not complying. That’s the only way to do it in clinical practice. In my opinion, it’s extremely important to talk with the patients and explain to them that cardiovascular disease is a disease of responsibility. Most of the reasons for cardiovascular disease are from lifestyle changes: increasing weight, amount of salt, smoking, alcohol, inadequate diet -- everyone is responsible for himself. To this, you must add absence of physical activity. So you must explain to the patient that this is your responsibility. You can do whatever you wish. But if you don’t take the pills, don’t come back here. It’s a waste of time. If you decide to live your life within the frame of risk of cardiovascular disease, it’s your decision. It’s simple.

  And then, of course, compliance is facilitated by the lower the number of pills. In my opinion, the best thing to do is take all the pills in the morning, and the rest of the day, you don’t have to worry. When you leave you’re home, you’re ready, you’re done.



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