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[ESC2013]联合治疗中单片复方制剂的降压优势——Giuseppe Mancia教授专访

作者:G.Mancia 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2013/9/16 16:08:16    加入收藏
 关键字:联合治疗 单片复方制剂 高血压 

  <International Circulation>: Would you say, the periodicity of medication also kind of complicates and makes compliance a little harder?

  Prof. Mancia: Yes, this is one factor which is recognized to be involved in compliance. Treatment simplification, in a number of studies, has been shown to be associated with better rates of compliance. We’ve known this a long time, and is of course the reason why a fixed dose of single tablet combination has always been given a favorable reception by guidelines, including the European guidelines, including the latest 2013 guidelines, which mention specifically that single tablet combination can favor adherence to treatment.

  Of course, there are some disadvantages to single tablet combinations, the most important of which is reduced flexibility during the titration phase, because maybe physicians want to increase the dose of one drug only, and they have to increase both. But, nowadays, it is less of a disadvantage than before, because fixed dose combinations have several doses of combination compliance. So, one can switch to another one. So I don’t think this is a real, fundamental disadvantage, and of course, simplification of treatment remains an advantage.



  <International Circulation>: What do you think of the superiority of Valsartin Almodipine SPC in the treatment of hypertension?

  Prof. Mancia: I wouldn’t talk about superiority -- I think it’s an effective combination, because it has clear cut evidence that it can reduce, very effectively, an elevated blood pressure, and can be particularly effective if blood pressure is very high. In this case, it has shown the ability to even reduce blood pressure by 40 mm Hg systolic or even more. So it is, by no question, an effective combination, and the combination of angiotensin receptor antagonists and calcium channel blockers is among the highest prioritized combinations in the guidelines.


  Mancia教授:我不想谈论优势。我认为,它是一种有效的联合治疗方案,因为有明确证据证实其能有效降低血压,尤其在血压非常高的情况下疗效非常显着,能使收缩压降低40 mm Hg或甚至更多。正因如此,毫无疑问,缬沙坦-氨氯地平SPC是ARB与钙离子拮抗剂联用的一种非常有效的组合方案,被指南列为最高的优先推荐应用等级。

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