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[AHA2011]AHA主席Gordon F. Tomaselli教授谈大会亮点与基因检测进展

作者:GordonF.Tomaselli 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/11/21 16:31:00    加入收藏
 关键字:AHA2011 大会亮点 Gordon F. Tomaselli  心脏病预防 基因 

    <International Circulation>: How important do you think early treatment of blood pressure and cholesterol and use of aspirin is? Looking at the ten year prognosis, if one has say a 4% risk over the next ten years, you don’t need to take these measures yet. Is that a valid statement?


    Prof.Tomaselli: Early treatment may be different philosophically than later treatment. Early treatment means early interventions that are non-pharmacological for cholesterol, for example. Blood pressure on the other hand, if detected early should be treated early. If it cannot be corrected by changes in diet with respect to sodium and increased activity or weight loss, blood pressure needs to be treated pharmacologically early. For cholesterol, unless it is really high, I think we are a little bit more challenged. Where do we set that LDLc target, particularly in younger people? The new guidelines in the United States for children have recommended that between the ages of nine and eleven, children should have their cholesterol measured. The questions raised there are, how many children are going to have elevated cholesterol? If we use a cut-off of 130 as in previous guidelines, the estimate is up to around 10% of kids. If you use a familial hypercholesterolemia cut-off of an LDLc of 190, it is <1%. This might be an issue of whether or not we should be drawing that blood in the first place but at the lower levels of cholesterol, I don’t think we should be making recommendations for pharmacological treatment of those kids yet. We need to intervene in lifestyle. On the other hand, if you have familial hypercholesterolemic levels of cholesterol, then that may be a child or young adult that needs to be treated early.


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