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[AHA2011]AHA主席Gordon F. Tomaselli教授谈大会亮点与基因检测进展

作者:GordonF.Tomaselli 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/11/21 16:31:00    加入收藏
 关键字:AHA2011 大会亮点 Gordon F. Tomaselli  心脏病预防 基因 

    <International Circulation>: You were at the Great Wall Meeting last month. What did you get from that meeting?

    Prof.Tomaselli: The sessions in English were really focused on topics surrounding prevention. Some of the informal discussions with the leadership of the Great Wall Meeting, who are not, by the way, primary prevention cardiologists but subspecialty trained, but who recognize the issues that face China are not issues that are going to be fixed with catheter ablation, they are going to be fixed by prevention. I was impressed by the leadership of the Great Wall Meeting who recognize that fact and the focus that they have, at least in the joint sessions, is really on prevention.


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