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[AHA2009]Marvin Konstam教授与黄峻教授谈ARB与心力衰竭

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2009/11/25 16:53:00    加入收藏
 关键字:HEAAL研究 心力衰竭 Marvin.Konstam 黄峻 

    International Circulation: Professor Kanstam, you just said that we really don’t have that comparison answered but do the results of HEAAL help you to know where to start if you were going to compare it to an ACE inhibitor since we know the optimal dose of Losartan? Could we now have a fairer comparison perhaps?


    Professor Kanstam:  A logical extension of what has been done and is known at this point, including HEAAL, would be to do a study comparing strategies of an ACE inhibitor versus an ARB or the two in combination. One point I would like to make is to relate these findings to the CHARM study that is a study I’m thinking about a lot in comparison to this. The CHARM study looked at a strategy of incremental renin-angiotensin inhibition but did it by adding an ARB to background therapy that included ACE inhibitors.  We looked at two doses which also provide incremental inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system. If you look at our effects compared to the effects of that strategy in CHARM they are not far apart and are in fact fairly similar.  I take home from that that there are different ways to achieve inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system but if you are going to use an ARB you really need to push it to the dose that has been demonstrated to have the best outcome effect.


    Professor Huang: Many of the clinical trials show that ACE inhibitor and ARB are quite useful in treatment of patients with heart failure, especially with the target dosage. I don’t think we need another large scale clin

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